Face it

After the not-so-great response to Facebook’s Beacon ads, it was interesting to watch how Facebook would deal with the advertising and the issue of privacy. In an Indian context, according to the latest Comscore figures, Facebook ranks sixth in terms of the online search market in India. So, in an increasingly contextual world, where there are also fears of user data misuse, advertising has to play a balancing act.

I’ve come across quite a few attempts at this. To start with, as part of the new design, you might have noticed the thumbs up/down on many ads. On clicking it, it asks you to choose from options as to why you like/don’t like the ad. It gives Facebook some great data that would help it target its ads much better. It makes sense – if I like the ads that appear on the pages I visit, and find it interesting, there are better chances of me clicking on them. As a user, I’m happy to get information/offers that are of use to me. So, positive user experience with ads. Facebook’s advertising options seem to be working well for them, if we go by Mashable’s poll, done last month.

You might have also noticed the welcome screen below, which help advertisers create ads on Facebook. (click to enlarge)

Minekey uses the ‘targeted ad with related actions of a friend’ a lot. You might have seen the ‘XYZ has added the Minekey application’. But those won’t have the thumbs option. Also, check out some work done earlier by Career Builder. Its very interesting.

Another communication I saw was the usage of a user’s action by brands to communicate their offering. So, (to use the example given in the article) if you see me saying ‘I loved The Dark Knight’, Warner Bros might have had a hand in it being shown to you. I hope brands will use this in moderation.

But the really interesting piece of news I saw was Facebook’ way of social ads – Engagement Advertising. This allows users to leave comments on the ads they see. I wonder how brands will react to this, since it allows users to just diss their communication. It also forces brands to treat their message as secondary, relevance and fit to the community being the primary criterion. But its a great opportunity for brands to truly embrace transparency and a new way of communicating. More about it here.

In essence, brands are getting newer ways to use social media, and even thread it with their offline activities. There’s more activity happening, check out the application that Microsoft has released on Facebook –Collabio. With users increasingly deciding what happens to brands in social media, it is imperative that brands understand how to present and represent themselves. Meanwhile, here’s some good data on fan trends in Facebook.

until next time, add socialising to your ads

PS. Am I the only guy feeling the eeriness of Obama Bi den… Osama Bin Laden ? đŸ˜‰

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